Make Windows Talk (VBScript)

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VBScript allows you to perform many powerful windows functions. There are also many hidden features you are not aware of. If you have ever enabled the accessibility options you may have found an option for Windows to read pages out to you or tell you what you are clicking on. This feature can also be accessed via vbscript to make great scripts that talk to users.

The following is a simple example. Copy these three lines and paste them into a text file called "Speak.vbs". Run this file to hear your computer talk to you. 

strText = "Hi, this is your computer speaking"
Set objVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
objVoice.Speak strText

There are also many great nefarious uses for this script including making a windows login script that speaks to users when they boot their computer or placing a hidden task on a friend's computer to pipe up at regular intervals and say hi. Enjoy.